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DPO Forum England

The collective voice of Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations in England.


Nothing about us without us.

Screenshot of letter from DPO Forum. Dear Sir Keir Starmer,  We are DPO Forum England – an independent, nationwide forum of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs). We represent over 350 member DPOs in England, with a wealth of lived experience, expertise and knowledge on the needs, issues and aspirations of Disabled people (including children and young people). We also have first-hand service delivery expertise in meeting our community’s needs and promoting Disabled people’s inclusion, justice and equality.    We welcome you as our new government. Congratulations on your new roles, and we wish you every success. We are certain we share the same vision of more inclusive, equitable and just society.   We welcome your commitment to championing our rights, working with us to ensure our experience and voices are at the heart of all you do. As a national collective voice of DPOs in England, we look forward to working with you to coproduce the policies that will have a real impact on our lives.    We are glad to see you want to improve the rights of workers and inclusivity of the workplace. Introducing the right to flexible working from the start, legislating for mandatory disability pay gap reporting and strengthening our rights to reasonable adjustments; as well as fixing Access to Work and improving employment support.  Your party was elected on a promise of change, and the change is exactly what our community has been longing for many years. There are many areas of our lives that have been neglected by the last government. However, we hope you recognise that it is not possible to achieve a fundamental change in our lives without investment in public services.

We've written to the new Prime Minister, to ask him to commit to:

  • Invest in public services

  • Work with Disabled people and our organisations to make a transformational Disability Strategy

  • Reject Conservative benefit reforms

Read the letter as PDF or Word doc.

What is the Labour Government's response to the Disabled Peoples Manifesto?

Wondering what the new Labour government and your MP's stance on Disabled People's Rights are? Check out the  Disability Scorecard, which graded the policies of UK political parties based on the Disabled People’s Manifesto.

National Disability Hustings Tues 2nd July 2024, 12-3:30 Online + in Manchester Register or get the livestream link via Eventbrite #DisabledPeoplesManifesto DPO Forum logo of a wheelchair user combined with a speech bubble

Missed the Disability Hustings on Tuesday the 2nd July 2024? â€‹


Head to YouTube for the full BSL-supported recording!

Person shouting into a megaphone to make themselves heard

Show your support by:


  • Emailing your local MP (Member of Parliament)

  • Signing the Manifesto as an individual or a group

  • Signing up to hear more from us

  • Sharing information on social media

Pledge your support

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We've got lots of resources to help you spread the word about the Manifesto, including:


  • Social media images

  • A messaging guide

  • A pledge card

  • Advice on making accessible social media posts

  • And more!

A cartoon of two people with raised fists, fighting for their rights

We are Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations in England.


This means our groups are run by and for Deaf and Disabled people.


We join together to campaign for change.

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